Clarity on costs.
How do our financial adviser fees work?
Money Matters is purely fees based. We’re totally independent, and don’t receive any commission or fee from any investment placed. This means you can be sure our advice is free of any conflict.
Initial meeting
There is no cost or obligation for our initial meeting.
Planning fees
We charge a one-off fee for your ethical investment plan.
When you implement this plan with Money Matters, this fee will be waived.
Implementation fees
Your plan will be implemented free of any charge from Money Matters. Some funds may have establishment related charges.
Monitoring fees
We charge a fee for the ongoing monitoring of your plan. This fee is calculated on a tiered basis, and is generally tax-deductible. This fee is deducted automatically from the portfolio account. See below for fees associated with funds and the custodian.
What other fees are involved?
Fund fees
When you invest with Money Matters, your investment will be made through managed funds. Each managed fund charges fees and other costs which are deducted within the fund.
Money Matters offers a range of managed funds, from lower-cost passive funds (which are more automated and based on a market index), through to higher-cost active funds. These active funds employ specialist fund managers who undertake extensive research – aiming to make more money and/or more of a difference than index investing.
Custodial & admin fees
An ongoing fee also goes to the independent custodian who holds your assets. This fee is calculated and deducted monthly from your custodial cash account.
Fees will be detailed and discussed within your plan and accompanying documentation.
What is a custodian, and why does your investment need one?
When you choose to invest with Money Matters, your money doesn’t sit with us. It sits with an independent third party, known as a ‘custodian’. It’s the custodian’s job to protect your money by holding it safely on your behalf. Regulators expect all investment financial advisers to work with a custodian, making it an industry-wide standard. Money Matters uses FNZ Custodians (FNZ). Founded in Wellington in 2002, FNZ are experts in designing and building administration platforms. They have over 1,000 employees and offer wrap platforms to institutions serving well over two million underlying investors with over $200 billion globally.
“I was riveted by ‘The Money Doctor’ on television in which Rodger had an unassuming confidence and enthusiasm. It was clear that if his advice was followed then results would follow. Then, I went to a Continuing Education lecture by Rodger at the University of Auckland and decided to ‘sign up’. That leap of faith delivered more than I could have imagined. I couldn’t recommend Rodger highly enough. Rodger has the personal qualities of approachability, perfectionism and transparency. His website testifies to his fine academic achievements and professional commitment.”
– Sylvia R.
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