Celebrating Catalysts

How ethical investors transform

9.40 am - 12 pm
27 November 2024

Venue: The Northern Club, Auckland

Join us for some Christmas cheer as we celebrate the year. Learn more about how Money Matters clients are leading the metamorphosis of the investment world by being catalysts and wayfinders – making money AND making a difference. In this transformational two-hour event, you will:

  • Receive key guidance from Dr Rodger Spiller about developments within Money Matters portfolios and the latest approaches supporting investors to be more resilient.

  • Discover Professor Chellie Spiller’s unique insights from her latest book ‘The Catalyst’s Way’ that explores and explains the ethical leadership journey.

  • Hear about ethical leadership from Jane Arnott MNZM as she presents findings from her groundbreaking research that assesses the Codes of Ethics of NZ’s 50 largest NZX-listed companies.

  • Celebrate the Money Matters Ethical Business Awards that elevate leading transformational ethical business practices in New Zealand and around the world.

  • Experience the lightness that Lisa Brickell from ‘Funny Business’ offers to reduce the stress of money, business and life.

  • Be touched, moved and inspired as Rawiri Pene from ‘Papa Ra Mauri Music’ performs his Catalyst Leadership anthem and more, with engaging vocals and enthralling guitar.

Hear from

  • Dr Rodger Spiller


  • Professor Chellie Spiller


  • Jane Arnott MNZM


  • Lisa Brickell

    Lisa Brickell


  • Rawiri Pene (Ngāpuhi, Tainui)


Metamorphosis: Stages in a Life

One of the founders of modern-day ethics is Aristotle, whose Virtue Ethics has inspired countless individuals and organisations to aim higher. Over 2,000 years ago Aristotle encouraged the pursuit of ‘Ethical Excellence’ and ‘Doing well and doing good’.  In contrast, he used the term “parasite” to describe those whose activities did not contribute to society.  

Furthering that metaphor in his book ‘Metamorphosis: Stages in a Life’, environmental scientist David Suzuki observed that many humans remain parasites, growing larger “without an accompanying evolution in wisdom, sensitivity or compassion”.  Suzuki challenges us all to go through metamorphosis and fly - performing the mission for which we are genetically designed. 

In his groundbreaking book ‘Ethics and Excellence’, renowned business ethics scholar (and mentor to Rodger in his PhD) Professor Robert Solomon wrote: “Except when under severe threat, we think too lazily of our large corporations … We have to learn again to think of business as a grand experiment, which has been carried out in earnest for only a few hundred years, and whether or not the experiment works will depend on whether it does indeed encourage excellence and inspire virtue in its practitioners or only fosters a mad scramble for survival and quick profits.” 

Inspired by these and many other deep thinkers, Rodger’s PhD published 25 years ago was a catalyst for metamorphosis.  It put all the pieces of the socially and environmentally responsible company together in a cohesive whole. His article ‘Ethical Business and Investment: A Model for Business and Society’ answered the two key questions that lie at the heart of the challenge for business ethics: is it possible for business and investors to do well while doing good; and if so, how can this be achieved? That research continues to be widely cited internationally and has guided Money Matters leadership ever since. 

In the first presentation Rodger will show how Money Matters continues to aim higher seeking excellence in both financial returns and ethical investment.

How Money Matters Aims Higher – Metamorphosis of the Investment World

Rodger will highlight the essential keys for success within Money Matters’ investment principles, plans and portfolios. This presentation will feature insights from: Nick Murray, USA based adviser to advisers, whose New York conference in early November aims to enable investors to be more resilient; Mercer, one of the world’s largest investment consulting firms, whose year-end briefings provide valuable perspectives; and Morningstar, a global research firm whose research helps Money Matters evaluate the financial and ethical credentials of managed funds.

Rodger will also show how ethical investment leaders are continuing to pursue the metamorphosis of finance and business. Drawing upon our latest research and development he will discuss developments within Money Matters portfolios including now offering the option of Private Assets funds. Rodger will also preview developments from Money Matters in 2025.

Celebrating ‘The Catalyst’s Way’ 

Chellie’s research and writing are at the forefront of leadership development internationally. This gives Money Matters a unique ability to engage with fund managers and businesses. We encourage a deeper exploration into the essence of wise leadership. Chellie’s work also offers Money Matters clients access to these resources for their own lives. 

Chellie guides leaders to align inner ethical development with external ethical impact. Her unique approach facilitates deep transformational change and metamorphosis. It enables individuals and businesses to fulfil their potential in growing their ethical leadership.  

Recognised for her expertise, Chellie was asked by the Atlantic Institute at Oxford University to create a radically new leadership development approach for Atlantic Fellows. These are leaders specially chosen for being “courageous, compassionate and collaborative thinkers and doers from over 80 countries, who collectively seek to bring lasting improvements to their communities and the world”.

The product of this extensive project is The Catalyst’s Way – A Handbook for People Who Want to Change the World and a companion guide, The Catalyst’s Way – Foundational Storytellers. Chellie tells the stories of fifteen Atlantic Fellows and weaves that with cutting-edge leadership research and ancient wisdom to create a framework that provides unique guidance to enhance your life and leadership. These resources are a true step beyond what is taught in any other environment including business schools, executive education or other training courses. Following the successful launch at Oxford, this is the first opportunity for people outside of the Atlantic Institute community to hear from Chellie how we can all increase our catalytic impact to change the world for good.  

A Riveting Ride through Codes of Ethics – the Passionate and the Painful

This event now moves to consider Codes of Ethics - long seen as cornerstones for demonstrating ethical leadership and embedding an ethical culture. The NZX Corporate Governance Code 2023 highlights the need for “a good code of ethics”, with training and reporting on progress. Principle 1, ‘Ethical Standards’ under a comply or explain reporting framework, requires Directors to “set high standards of ethical behaviour, model this behaviour, and hold management accountable for these standards being followed throughout the organisation”.

We are fortunate that Jane Arnott MNZM, founder and director of The Ethics Conversation, agreed to our request to undertake the extensive research for ‘Codes vs Commitment - An assessment of the Codes of Ethics of the NZX 50’. This is the third assessment of NZX 50 companies’ Codes of Ethics undertaken by The Ethics Conversation. It draws on research methodology developed by the Institute of Business Ethics, UK.

We are thrilled that Jane will be presenting her findings from this latest research at this event. Jane’s level of scrutiny is of interest to any wise investor. Her insights - the passionate and the painful - are eye-opening and will challenge New Zealand businesses to work on aiming higher.

Jane has been presenting, writing and researching ethical governance for over 15 years. She led the market development of the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE), UK in New Zealand, and was appointed IBE Country Manager and Associate in 2008, a role she held for over 10 years. Jane has spoken at ethics conferences and workshops in the US, Spain and the UK. Her early career included public relations, marketing and executive director roles in transport and logistics, health, engineering, wood processing and conservation. She is an adjunct research fellow for the Brian Picot Chair in Ethical Leadership, School of Management, Victoria University of Wellington. In 2021, Jane became a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit.

Announcing the winners of ‘The Money Matters Ethical Business Awards 2024’ 

Recognising and celebrating ethical leadership is the focus for our fourth and final presentation. To mark the occasion of 25 years since New Zealand’s first ethical business awards were created by Rodger, this event includes a special celebration of ethical leaders. The first awards drew from Rodger's PhD which explored and encouraged best practice ethical businesses through the lens of ethical investors. 

The funds recommended by Money Matters are constantly judging the environmental, social and financial performance of business and indeed, the investments they make could be seen as awards in their own way, as businesses meet (or do not meet) a rigorous set of investment criteria. 

The Money Matters Ethical Business Awards are another way to recognise and elevate business practices that are achieving exceptional impacts in New Zealand and around the world. The awards also provide rich insights for investors about companies they are invested in.

The awards shine a spotlight on ‘Ethical Excellence’ through the essential perspective of ethical investment. Back in the 1990s the ethical business and ethical investment perspective was not widely understood by business leaders. Indeed, when the New Zealand award was first announced at the 1999 award ceremony attended by over 700 businesspeople, it was greeted by howls of laughter and many comments about ‘business ethics’ being an oxymoron. Over the years, the award became increasingly sought after, reflecting the greater focus on business ethics and good governance. 

The awards, the first of their kind in New Zealand, shone the spotlight on ethical and sustainable investment and business and yielded a rich harvest of case studies. These stories appeared on television, print and a wide range of other media. They were also used in Rodger’s engagement with businesses and fund managers and his ‘ethical leadership’ courses offered via universities for NZ businesses and fund managers.  

A quarter of a century on, we expect relatively few investors and businesspeople to laugh at the announcement of these awards for ethical business. Indeed, many might be wondering why their PR teams didn’t enter. However, the Money Matters awards are different – no nominations were accepted from listed companies or their PR firms! Instead, we worked with leading fund managers locally and globally to identify what they and we consider best ethical practice. So, no entry fees, no sponsors and none of the usual conflicts of interest. The PR teams are welcome – but will have to wait until after the awards are announced!

The value of this type of awards initiative was understood by renowned investor Warren Buffet who provided advice to The Business Enterprise Trust, a USA group founded in 1989. Each year the Trust honoured awardees, and the resulting stories yielded a “deeper appreciation of what people can truly achieve in business” and a book titled ‘Aiming Higher’. Rodger was inspired by the USA example and included it in his PhD research. We thank The Business Enterprise Trust for their leadership and example.


Money Matters clients are welcome to bring along additional friends and family and your lawyer and/or accountant.

Catalyst Leadership and The Ethics Conversation are also extending personal invitations.

Space is limited so please register your interest as soon as possible.  

You can click here to RSVP.

If you would like to receive an invitation to this exclusive event and are not part of the above invitations, please contact us with your interest. We have a limited number of additional invitations available. These will be allocated at the organiser’s sole discretion. Please apply here.

We look forward to you joining us.